Need support?

Our team of global experts are standing by to help with your system and user support needs.


Americas support.

Support for North America is managed from Burbank, CA and employs approximately 30 staff, including regional service technicians, help desk personnel, onsite technicians and administrators.

Support is available between 5:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. PST at no charge to service contract customers.

Extended 24/7 emergency support for after hours, weekends and holidays is also available to select service contract customers.

Technical Support via Phone: +1 888 832 4374

Technical Support via Email:

EMEA support.

Servicing for EMEA is run from Dartford, UK and Dubai, UAE. Electrosonic's telephone support hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (GMT), with a dedicated 24/7 telephone number for contract customers.

For any technical support, RMA requests or any other service query please contact the service department:

Call direct: +44 (0)1322 282282

After-hours support: +44 (0)845 026 8550
