Modern Slavery Statement
Electrosonic supplies and maintains premium audio-visual equipment and has a diverse supply chain which includes manufacturers, suppliers of equipment and services, support staff on and off site and the like. Electrosonic has a global reach with offices and service providers all over the globe. We have a zero-tolerance approach towards any likely or actual breach of human rights and are committed to working and acting ethically and with integrity and to upholding the human rights of all those who work directly or indirectly with us with the promise to comply with national and international conventions regarding human rights.
We are dedicated to creating a safe, inclusive, discrimination and bias free working environment for all. We do this by observing and implementing the principles defined by the United Nations DHR, the 1998 International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the Modern Slavery Act 2015. We also ensure we are compliant with labour laws and local customs and practices in the jurisdictions in which we operate, including the protection of the rights of all workers, including migrant workers.
We provide a platform to address issues in a collaborative and supportive environment to resolve any issues raised by employees and staff, by fostering and encouraging a transparent environment to ensure that everyone has an active and participatory role in making the workplace environment a supportive and welcoming place for all. We ensure we are providing a safe and secure working environment with adequate welfare amenities and facilities in the workplace.
We will never knowingly:
Exploit or permit any person to be exploited.
Permit or tolerate any exploitation under or in connection with our name.
Do business with individuals or organisations that do not implement and comply with human rights, customs and practices that we ourselves adhere to and uphold.
Influence an employee’s decision to exercise their rights to become a member of or participate in any union or staff support association or professional body.
This policy applies to all full and part-time employees as well as temporary staff. It also applies to agents, contractors and other third parties acting on our behalf in any capacity and in any jurisdiction or place of work. We may amend this policy from time to time.
The prevention, detection and reporting of modern salary in any part of our business or supply chain is the responsibility of us all. You must ensure that your read, understand and comply with this policy and avoid and report any activity that might lead to or suggest a breach of this policy. We encourage openness on reporting modern slavery and shall ensure no one suffers any detrimental treatment as a result of reporting in good faith their suspicion that modern slavery is or may be taking place in any part of our business or supply chains. If you have any queries or would like to discuss this policy, please contact Michelle Byrne, Chief People Officer on +44 7785 288971 or e-email
Last updated: December 9, 2022