Optimizing Design with AV in Mind
When creating a distinctive structure for a client, it is easy to get caught up in the aesthetics of delivering a truly unique design capable of setting a facility apart from the pack. However, doing so without technology use in mind can quickly make a cool building lose all of its charm.
After all, technology is central to the new digital economy. People have expectations that are increasingly difficult to achieve without leveraging all that technology has to offer. Fortunately, when designs seamlessly incorporate audiovisual, the actual technology can rapidly fade into the background allowing interesting design choices to take center stage.
In a recent roundtable event including Electrosonic Senior Consultant Paul Kent, while each new design today may be unique, but they are all linked by the expectations of their very technology-aware visitors, who expect an experience they can’t get at home – and for that the sector turns increasingly to technology. The right design is key to meeting those expectations.
Always on display
The ability to deliver dynamic, fluent or interactive imagery is a key component of any immersive space gaining popularity today. Understanding how state of the art displays work can prove instrumental in integrating this form of technology into facility design choices.
In a professional development seminar offered through the Royal Institute of British Architects, Electrosonic leverages its decades of technology-centered experience to help architects understand the various factors and requirements that can create the best environments when cost-effectively deploying AV technology to display still images, video and data.
By understanding the different types of displays available including flat screen, projection and large-scale LED displays as well as their suitability for differing requirements, displaying still images, video and data, it is easier to understand how they fit within an environment. Because of the differences inherent to each type of display technology, there are key designs considerations for optimal viewing and comfort as well as addressing the need to deliver all users similar experiences. AV can also have an impact on a building, space and building management systems. Proper design upfront can help alleviate any potential issues.
Sound matters
Delivering a unaltered sound experience is equally important. Properly designed environments prove pivotal when support speech intelligibility, acoustical privacy and freedom from unwanted noise for exceptional user experience. This is true regardless of the intended use of any structure or space.
Unique architectures as well as the popular open office plans can create acoustical challenges that sound isolation can address. Likewise, architects need to pay close attention to environmental and mechanical noise as well as vibration control with building systems.
Electrosonic’s team of acoustical design consultants can collaborate with you to understand your vision, requirements, and expectations for acoustical performance.
Working with an acoustician when designing a space will pay dividends later when your audio engineers are not battling the laws of physics in an attempt to generate coherent sound. Sound design contains many subtleties that other métiers lack. Proper measurement tools allow you to clearly define video quality. This is not always the case with audio. In addition to designing a space to deliver quality sounds, tweaking a system to make it sound just right is as much an art as it is a science.
Proper planning
The key to success is to bring AV experts into fold early-on in the process. A trained technology consultant has the ability to see the potential challenges and identify creative approaches without impacting architectural plans.
Chris Kratochwill
Chris Kratochwill, Design Consulting Manager at Electrosonic, writes with insider knowledge on what it takes to bring visions to reality. He has more than 25 years’ experience working with end-users, architects and planners to design award-winning experiences for multi-million-dollar projects in the leisure and hospitality sector.