How Interactives Can Become Viral
We have talked in detail about the significant role that interactive audiovisual deployments can have as guests engage and ultimately embrace the immersive experience. What we haven’t discussed is the ability these deployments have to make an impact beyond the physical interaction, especially in an increasingly digital and heavily mobile environment.
As a prime example, there has been significant buzz around an augmented reality photo booth at a sports stadium. After a guest posted video on social media of the deployment in action, the views, comments and shares climbed into the viral space.
Why is this significant?
The added attention and expanded engagement are a direct result of creating either an immersive or awe-inspiring experience. And, it is positive attention that does not consume any budget.
There are a lot of intangible benefits to interactives and digital signage that go well beyond the people who physically interact with them. When a post goes viral thousands of people have the opportunity to experience the technology – without even being there.
How can you enjoy this same success?
Let’s be clear. There’s no magic formula to make something go viral. It just happens when someone with enough followers is in the right place at the right time. However, this does not mean that organizations cannot take steps that set the stage.
Embrace opportunities to engage your guests. Guests like to be involved in their experiences. The more interactive a deployment the better.
Personalize the experience. We are now well into the experience economy. Today’s consumers want to be different. Get to know your audience and embrace technologies that allow you to “customize” an experience. RFID tags can play a key role here as can apps that recognize that a guest has already visited this same deployment.
Encourage pictures, video, sharing. Take a close look at your deployment to discover angles that make sense for multimedia share. Point it out to guests in a way that encourages them to get the perfect shot.
Listen to your guests. Sometimes it’s not the deployment as much as the content. What are your guests saying? By listening you may be able to make slight modifications that ultimately boost the experience to a share worthy level.
Want to learn more about creating share worthy immersive experiences? With over five decades of experience creatively deploying technology, the experts at Electrosonic can help you realize your vision. Click here to learn more.
Alexander Hann
Alexander Hann, Communications Specialist, understands the challenges that clients face when they are making decisions about technology. He uses his extensive experience of communicating complex concepts to write about the latest developments in technology in a way that clearly explains benefits for business and technical decision-makers.